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Tento produkt byl přidán dne Pátek 30. červen 2006.

Soundgarden - Telephantasm - CD

The Rolling Stones - Rolling On - DVD


Born out of a love for American Rhythm & Blues, the Rolling Stones made the music that was the soundtrack of the 60's. They were the embodiment of the revolutionary counter-culture; a window into the forbidden world of sex, drugs and rock 'n roll.

The Stones, serving as the devil's advocates of their generation, ridiculed the mundane structure and values of mainstream society.

As a result, the band was subjected to close scrutiny of their personal lives and were labeled by some as "corrupters of youth".

As the band matured and evolved into a rock 'n roll institution, their phenomenal concert tours broke attendance records worldwide. With a body of work that includes some of the most exciting rock ever recorded, few believe that there will ever be another musical and cultural force as influential as The Rolling Stones.

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